Developing a stronger marketing

This project seeks to complement MIRARES’ work of providing support to the generation, consolidation and diffusion of spaces – fairs, collaborative spaces, events, shops, etc. – as well as virtual spaces – the internet, social networks, etc – where the entrepreneurs offer their products and services to the consumer. Textile enterprises, artisanal jewelry, gastronomical books, among others, offer diverse projects linked to the country of origin. In this way, distinct cultural events propose also to visibilize and validate diversity. That is to say, the events diffuse and promote entrepreneurship while at the same time raising awareness to the topic.

Social networks are part of the communication strategy that allows for the dissemination of events, both on regular Saturdays and special events. From this perspective, the entrepreneurs are protagonists who expand and vitalize their networks by constructing a marketing strategy for their products.

Networking with diverse organizations allows entrepreneurs to connect with one another and with other spaces, generating networks to participate in marketing activities, training, and collaborative purchasing among themselves.